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Buddies Program

At St. Augustine School, community is central to our mission.  One of our most beloved programs is our buddy program in which we partner kindergarten students with 8th grade students. The buddies participate in many different activities throughout the year including a Teddy Bear Picnic, May crowning of St. Mary, and a viewing of "The Polar Express" at Christmas times. Buddies can often be seen visiting each other at lunch in the cafeteria and walking to church hand in hand for First Friday masses. 

STREAM Program

At St. Augustine School, students engage in various STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, art, and mathematics) activities. From designing bottle rockets to designing filtration devices for safe cleaning water, students fully engage in the scientific method while drawing, building, calculating, and analyzing various problems. 

Our new STREAM Lab is the State of the Art for design.  Each class is scheduled a weekly time to learn and experience a lesson in in various STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, art, and mathematics) activities.

Student Support

St. Augustine School is committed to providing an educational experience to meet the needs of a diverse population of learners. Our teachers differentiate their instruction to meet all levels, enriching students that are in need of a challenge while supporting students on their learning journeys. St. Augustine School offers enrichment programs and an honors class for its students as well as literacy support, assisted study, and ELL tutoring. 
